Ansambli Kasabian plaadilt West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum võib leida laulu, mil nimeks West Ryder Silver Bullet.
Selle laulu alguses loeb naishääl ette järgmised sõnad:
"Then I went down into the basement,
Where my friend, the maniac, busies himself with his electronic graffiti,
Finally his language touches me,
Because he talks to that part of us which insists on drawing profiles on prison walls,
In that moment, poetry will be made by everyone,
And there will be emus in the zone."
Jumaldan seda absurdi
Tegemist on muide mõnusa atmosfääriga plaadiga. Siuke vesternimaiguline. Singel "Fire" on muidugi enamusele teada, ent soovitan pöörata tähelepanu ka lugudele "Ladies and Gentlemen" ning "Secret Alphabets".
We will be back soon.
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