Teatav hõljumine on tekkinud (sest nüüdseks olen neid juba nõnda palju käianud, et enam ei mõju) järgnevaid laule kuulates:
Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space
Philip Glass - Metamorphosis Two
Smashing Pumpkins - The Beginning is the End is the Beginning
Hybrid feat. John Graham - Choke
Tricky - Hollow
Björk - All is Full of Love
Björk - Possibly maybe
Joy Division - Atmosphere
Seventeen Evergreen - Constellation
Pink Floyd - Welcome to the Machine
The Doors - The End
Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight
The Beatles - While my Guitar Gently Weeps (just see versioon)
Gorillaz - Tomorrow Comes Today
Múm - Green Grass of Tunnel (Portselansuits, oh jaa)
Múm - We Have a Map of the Piano
The Good, The Bad and The Queen - Northern Whale
Tomandandy - Postsuicide (mitte ehmatada, see link viib otse mp3 juurde)
Vabandan, pea-aegu kõik siin leiduvad lingid juhivad SinaTorusse, kuna ühtegi etemat saiti ma ei tea.
We will be back soon.
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